When: The Tyranny of Now Part of the conundrum I hear a lot with students (even good ones) is that they ‘want’ to practice guitar playing, but ‘couldn’t’ because they ‘didn’t have a lot of time of practice. May I be so bold to say that, if we change “can’t practice”...
Updated September 11/2024. www.seanmeredithjones.com In my previous post on practicing guitar, I went through my personal story as to how my musical path went for me. In this post series on practicing guitar, I will go through it using a familiar method of inquiry....
To create modal music, a few ingredients need to be present: Clear Tonal Centre Tonic Chord Harmony Established Presence Of Characteristic Note. What Is a Tonal Centre? The single strongest note that the whole of the passage or song wants to resolve to. The opposite...
The Following is a list of broad stroke concepts. There are many ways to practice scales and integrate them into your playing and writing. The way you practice them will drive what you want to get from them. What you want to get out of them corresponds to why you want...
In my “Unsolved Music Mysteries” blog entry, I set out a basic framework for what modes are and how they are used in general terms. In this blog entry, I’ll deal with this topic in higher resolution. Each mode/scale creates a series of intervals...